What are the Man/Machine Considerations?


A man-machine system integrates the functions of a human and a machine. The system acts as a  single entity while interacting with the external environment.

On contrary, an operator uses his physical energy to control specific operation using different tools & equipment in a manual system. 

Fig. 1 Man-machine closed loop system

General layout rules:

1. In similar types of machineries, the relative location of displays and controls should be similar.

2. For simultaneously worked controls or concurrently used components, the locations should be opposite to each other and equally spaced on both sides.

3. Emergency controls and accompanying displays should be within the reach or within the normal working area for the worker.

4. An allowance for continuous limb movement of the worker should be provided when the controls are being activated in sequence.

5. A seating posture if possible should be provided to a worker.

6. For precise movements, hand or foot support should be provided.

7. Locations should be identified as per hand used for the operation and similarly right side for right hand operation.

8. In case a operator is required to apply a moderately strong force during operation a seat back rest and a bottom foot rest should be made available.

9. Design should allow change of posture as much as possible.

The consideration while specifying the working space:

1. Area of the sight being considered.

2. Area of manual activity which includes both areas covered by hand and foot.

The considerations for workplace illumination:

1. Distribution and intensity of light.

2. Brightness contrast.

3. Types.

4. Color and reflectance.

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