Perfect and Real crystals

 Real Crystals:-

  • Unlike ideal crystals, real crystals have imperfections.

  • Any deviation from the standard lattice pattern of a crystal is an imperfection.

  • The imperfection may be because of presence of impurity atom or a disturbed crystal structure.

Point Defects:-

Point defects or a zero-dimensional defect are the defects that occur only at or around a single lattice point. Point defects include:-

  • Vacancy – Removal or a missing atom from its regular position.

  • Interstitial – Presence of an extra atom of same crystal in the void spaces of crystal lattice.

  • Substitution Impurity – An atom from the crystal gets replaced by a foreign or impurity atom.

  • Interstitial Impurity – A foreign or impurity atom occupies a void space in crystal lattice.

  • Shottky Defect – A missing pair of anion and cation from the crystal structure.

  • Frankel Defect – A cation or an anion gets displaced from its original position in the lattice and occupies a void space. It generally occurs due to displacement of cations as they are generally smaller in size.

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